STS Weyburn Chapter - History
The Chapter was organized on June 18, 1974 by fifteen teachers who attended the
founding meeting at Souris School in Weyburn. The charter members included:
Blanche Beischel, Luverne Docking, Kitty Duke, Dorothy Forsyth, Belva Harrison,
Gene Hayward, Betty Hodgkinson, Charlotte Johnson, Gladys Koch, Kate Myers, Bob
Plummer, Leila Spencer, Dorothy Steuart, Marie Steuart, Lillian Torkelson.
They decided to have dinner meetings four times a year on the third Thursday of
September, November, April and June. A couple of years later it was decided to have
five meetings a year with the addition of a February meeting. The first meetings were
held at the legion HaII, but subsequently were held at the Knotty Pine Cafe. In 1988
the Chapter started having their gatherings at the new Wheatland Senior Centre.
Membership fee was set at one dollar, but this soon turned out to be inadequate. By
1992 this had risen to eleven dollars. Of this eleven dollars, nine dollars went to the
provincial S.T.S.
Membership rose steadily in numbers with thirty-six members by 1975, fifty-six by
1982, and over seventy by 1992.
Periodically we take tours by bus to nearby points of interest.
Since 1983 donations have been collected at our annual Christmas meeting for the Big
Brothers and Big Sisters organizations in Weyburn.
A special luncheon meeting with a guest speaker and entertainment was held in July,
1988 as part of Weyburn's 75th Anniversary Homecoming celebrations.
In March of 1993 our chapter hosted the provincial Superannuated Teachers of
Saskatchewan bonspiel.
One of our charter members, Litlian Torkelson, was honoured with a life membership
in the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan in 1993.
Our main concern has been the welfare of superannuated teachers and their spouses.
We also concern ourselves with social contact with shut-in fellow superannuates.
Another concern has been the education of our youth, and to that end we established
a scholarship for prospective students wishing to enter the profession. We also maintained
the memory of superannuates by publishing a history book Trail Blazers of the
Chalkboard. This was Volume Two as this book had previously been published in 1967
before our chapter was formed. The latest volume will be published in 1993.